Benefits Of Tape-In Hair Extensions

If you are thinking about using hair extensions in order to add length and/or volume to your hair you are most certainly not alone. You know all those celebrities and stars that you see on the TV on an almost daily basis? You look at their hair and you wonder just how it is that they manage to look so stunning at 7.00 am on morning television. Very often the answer is that their long glossy locks that look as though they have just spent two hours with the hair stylist are not just their locks, but also include hair extensions. There are various different types of hair extensions, not the least of which is the choice between real hair and synthetic hair. Very briefly, synthetic hair is made of plastic (yes, really!) while real hair is – well - real. You are very limited in what you can do with synthetic hair extensions, but they do have the advantage of being very cheap. Real hair is more expensive, but you can treat it in much the same way that you treat your ...